Hallo zusammen,
ich arbeite gerade an einem Projekt für die Berufsschule (Pflegefachkraft), das sich mit Manie, Depression, Schizophrenie und Suizidalität auseinandersetzt. Neben dieser Themen darf ich über die Herangehensweise und Ausführung selbst entscheiden.
Ich selbst lebe seit über 25 Jahren mit psychischen Erkrankungen und habe im Laufe der Zeit einige Darstellungen dieser in Medien mitbekommen. Einige fand ich gut, einige schlecht und ein paar furchtbar. Mich würde interessieren, wie andere ihre Erkrankung dargestellt sehen.
Eure Antworten würde ich gerne wörtlich präsentieren, eventuell musikalisch hinterlegt. Dazu würde mich speziell interessieren, was Betroffene von dem Lied "Schizophren" der Fantastischen Vier halten.
Ich hoffe, dass ich damit niemandem zu nahe trete und bedanke mich im Voraus.
Does anyone else end up almost feeling like…”ok, there really is something going on, this isn’t me being a wimp!” when you experience visibly tangible symptoms? I rarely wear jewelry so not sure how long this ring hasn’t fit, but it DID use to fit either middle finger! I also just had to let out my Apple Watch band.
I’ve always felt like a hypochondriac. My job is super physical (I train guide dogs for the visually impaired) and it’s been hard for me to know what is just normal aging and wear and tear on my body (I’m 37 now) and what’s atypical. I know that my symptoms are more mild than many of you in this group and my flares may very well be someone else’s good weeks…. But I do feel…relieved, in a strange way… to SEE that something really is happening beyond the blood work.
Ever seen a goal during the match that's preceeded by something apparently stupd or physically impossible ? We've all been there
At some point I've started dissecting the replays to validate how things actually went down, and often times I saw the error, but sometimes I didn't, as if that bugged that I was sure had happened, turned out not to go down that way.
After seeing the same replay multiple times, going back and forward, I notice that there are moments in which the players movements change, meaning that a ball that went through a defender on first replay, might have actually gone by him in the next. See [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMc\_FcW9MhY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMc_FcW9MhY) as an example.
Also been seeing goals where the defenders just hit invisible walls preventing them from making the cut. See [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkI\_6AhhY8g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkI_6AhhY8g) for example.
And last but not least, here's a defender levitating backwards on his own and against player input, because he would cut the ball if he stood his ground. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGXefZTNiXw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGXefZTNiXw)
The game appears to calculate the outcome of a given dribble, shot, etc, being successful and then adapts the environment to make it so. No, you can't block it and no you can't cut it, you're just a specator at that point
Alert.I am looking for a partner we can do business with. We shall do half half on profit sharing basis. I do all the work, and you bring a referral, that is your only job. I have a team to back up all our operations and I have been in the business for 10 years. You are assured of $100 at least, per client you refer per week and that continues until the client stops placing orders. The end goal is to get to at least 60 clients and we can launch our own website that we shall co-own. I am a freelancer, a ghost writer. We can talk more on the side. You must be in the US or UK Only.
Note:- You are no making payments/ monetary obligations to me at any point.
Im trying my best to reduce the sound quantity and quality in my Specna Arms e23 edge 2.0.
Im thinking sorbopads, shimming, brushless, spiral gears, teflon spring guide... but there is something i dont have proof about... chatgpt tells me that steel bodies have a little more muffled sound inside of it.
Thats something I quite dislike on my aeg, the sound ressonating inside like banging a coke can. Does anyone have proof or experience that these kind of alluminum alloy bodies have noticeble worst sound echoing than other bodies? (if so which ones have better sound dampening properties?) is it worth going down the path of changing it or am i being OCD picky?
They are about to purchase the property to obtain the visa and was told that this could be a potential hurdle?
Anyone else experienced a similar situation?
There is zero chance of locating the father.
Everyone knows that Billy Strings played his first concert of six over the next two weeks last night. The economic impact for Asheville cannot be underestimated. Yesterday, downtown was a flurry of people who supported hotels, shops and restaurants. Since the hurricane struck merchants have been struggling with the city’s lack of tourists. The Christmas Jam was canceled when its benefit was needed more than any time in the history of Asheville. I’m still scratching my head trying to figure out why. It begs the question if Billy Strings should become our city’s favorite musician. Let me know what you think…🤔
Hey everyone, I’m looking for a toy playset I had as a kid and hoping someone can help me track it down. Here's what I remember:
* It was an emergency vehicle playset from sometime in the 2000s.
* The playset included Matchbox/Hot Wheels-sized vehicles: two black-and-white police cars, a fire engine, and a white ambulance.
* The police cars had the number “27” (or possibly “47”) on the roof.
* The ambulance was all white, possibly had rubber tires, and had the word “ambulance” written backwards in red on the hood.
* The vehicles were metal-bodied and heavy, not plastic like the typical Hot Wheels cars.
* The playset had a "headquarters" theme (I think it may have had "emergency" in the name somewhere) and possibly featured stickers and graphics on the outside.
* The headquarters part of the playset was located on the top/roof of the structure, and it may have been square-shaped.
* The top snapped on like a lid, and there was a plastic base with a graphic layer on the outside.
* It had a stationary ramp, possibly a helipad, and I believe there was a graphic of a garage, though the garage doors didn’t open.
* It was sold at places like Toys R Us, KB Toys, JC Penney’s, Macy’s, or Ollie’s in the 2000s.
If anyone remembers this toy or has any leads, I’d really appreciate the help!
Ima explain the whole Gluckr lore so people dont Gluckr is a cluckr ripoff or other things
Gluckr: *ahem* i know my lore bruh
Then say it.
Gluckr: ok. Im garnold's cousin and i made a visor that is more durable and im jevin's brother that is why im blue im a DJ and almost always im hired to be a DJ to parties or other things and wat to start a company making phones, laptops, music players, pc's, monitors, mouses, keyboards and other things. Im from romania my birtday is on 13 August and more soon
Soo as title says, has blooming waters release been moved everywhere?.
Got up excited today that I'll be able to pick it up from the store, hadn't gotten any text msg for pickup so I checked the website and it now says that the release is 20/3 ??
This is a very vague story, because it was my girlfriend driving and not me, but i'm hoping someone can give me insight on what might have happened.
My girlfriend was driving the octavia, stuck in traffic, going up a bridge. she turned on the "air circulation button" so there wont be too much gasses from other cars coming into the car. the then pressed the gas pedal to increase speed and the car immediately turned into the RPM reds. she tried different gears but it kept going up on RPM. later on the stopped driving and she disengaged the "air circulation button" . she then said the rpm dropped and it was ok again.
yeah i also think it's very vague and not sure if its related to the air circulation button. however its kind of scary the sudden increase to max RPM..
Mongolia was placed on the FATF grey list in 2019 and removed in 2020, yet it's still not possible to add funds to a Steam wallet using a Mongolian Mastercard or Visa card. Does anyone know why this is still an issue? Is it because of payment processing restrictions, Steam's own policies, or something else?
Or is it possible and it's just me issue? (I know about Paypal no need to tell me to use it)
27, broke, unemployed, can’t find work, getting threatened with eviction. I honestly just want to end it all I can’t fathom getting kicked out in the middle of Canadian winter 😔
So, I have problems to open a server using my PC, I already have the server running in the lan with all mods and I have all the FastDL ready using Xampp and Ngrok, but I stuck in how I set the port forwarding for my No More Room in Hell.
This is my Port Forwarding, but I don't know how use it and the tutorial I watch don't show me what to do.

This weekend in Easthampton!
NOTE: Some events may be cancelled or rescheduled due to the snow storm.
**Reading With Molly The Dog!**
Easthampton Public Library
9 Park Street
**BJ Korona**
Fort Hill Brewery
30 Fort Hill Road
**Chili Cook-Off**
Chili tasting! Blind tasting from local businesses. Vote for your favorite. $5 a ballot. Ballots are entered for a prize drawing! Proceeds are donated to the pond. Playing solo sax for your listening pleasure is Chris Gentes.
6pm-8pm / $5
Abandoned Building Brewery
142 Pleasant St #103a
**Video Game Tournaments**
6pm / $8
116 Pleasant Street, Suite 018
**Nectar, Carlos Odria Trio**
Doors 7pm / Show 7:30pm / $10-$20Marigold Theater
84 Cottage Street
**Tom And Corrie Duo**
7pm-9pmJupiter Club
116 Pleasant Street, Suite 121
**American Amnesia, EmberGlow, GDI, Miracle Blood**
7pm / $10
Blue Room at CitySpace
43 Main Street
Old Town Hall
**Easthampton WinterFest!**
About 30 events all around town at various venues! Hosted by Nashawannuck Pond Steering Committee & Friends of Nashawannuck Pond
**Artisan Craft & Vendor Show**
Artisan/craft/vendor fair approx 30 throughout the building. Come shop for some unique fun items for yourself, your friends, and your pets.
9:30am-3:30pm / Free
Keystone Mill
122 Pleasant Street
**Youth Open Skate**
10am-12pm / Ages 7-13 / $10
Easthampton Skate Club
116 Pleasant Street, Suite 030
**Cut Loose X Megan Tady: Collage Narratives - Storytelling Workshop through Word + Image**
10am / $65
Big Red Frame
43 Main Street
**Reiki Level 1 Attunement and Certification**
In Reiki Level I, you will learn about the history of Reiki as a healing modality and tool for enlightenment. You will explore how Reiki works and begin practicing using this amazing energy for self-healing and for others, including pets and plants! Class size is limited to 6 students for personalized attention during this 6 hour class. The cost of each class includes a Reiki Level 1 attunement, instruction, hands-on practice time, written materials, a Reiki manual, and a certificate of completion. Save your spot today!
10am-4pm / 18+ / $300
Sonorous Light
116 Pleasant Street, Suite 252
**Winterfest Mural Making**
10:30am-12:30pm / Free
Easthampton Public Library
9 Park Street
**Make Your Own WinterFest Flower Crown**
Drop in to make a festive flower crown to wear while celebrating WinterFest.
11am-3pm / $25
Bouquets of the Valley
32 Cottage Street
**Creative Writing Workshop**
Easthampton Public Library
9 Park Street
**That Nu-Metal Band, Backyard Superheroes, The Agonizers, Skaleton Crew, El Grande, Girth Control, Green Street Fiends, Mega Infinity, Futon Lasagna, Brooklyn Souls, The Agents, So Many Dangers, Dj KornNuts**
Doors 1pm / Music 2pm / $20
Blue Room at CitySpace
43 Main Street
Old Town Hall
**Polar Plunge- Freezin’ For A Reason**
Join us for the 2nd Annual Polar Plunge - Freezing For A Reason, hosted by the Easthampton Fire Department. Are you brave enough to take the plunge into icy waters? Gather your family, friends, and fellow thrill-seekers for this exhilarating event, where groups can jump into the water at scheduled intervals. Safety will be paramount, with Fire Department members in the water throughout the event. A warming tent will be provided. Don't miss this chance to challenge yourself and support a great cause! Suggested donations $5 to benefit Friends of Nashawannuck Pond.
Nashawannuck Pond
50 Payson Avenue
**Adult Open Skate**
4pm-8pm / Ages 14+ / $10
Easthampton Skate Club
116 Pleasant Street, Suite 030
**The Wildcat O’Halloran Band**
Fort Hill Brewery
30 Fort Hill Road
**Piano Bar/Vocalist Jazz Jam**
Luthier’s Co-op
108 Cottage Street
**Latin Social**
6pm-11pm / $10-$30
Jupiter Club
116 Pleasant Street, Suite 121
**Shenanigans With Friends, Scott Meyers**
Luthier’s Co-op
108 Cottage Street
8pmPulaski Club
79 Maple Street
**The 413s, The Wild Brood**
8:30pm / 21+ / Free
Marigold Theater
84 Cottage Street
**The Dead Of Winter Pop-Up Art Market**
A pop-up art market featuring ceramics, block prints, textiles, clothing, astrology readings, and more!
11am-5pm / Free
Black Labyrinth Tattoo Syndicate
46 Union Street
**Tom Savoy**
Fort Hill Brewery
30 Fort Hill Road
**Video Game Tournaments**
4pm / $8
116 Pleasant Street, Suite 018
**Torie Jock & Damage Control**
Luthier’s Co-op
108 Cottage Street
**Reflect & Restore Yoga With Chaya**
5:30pm / $18Sisu Wellness Center
40 Maine Avenue
**Men In Motion Male Revue**
6:30pmPulaski Club
79 Maple Street
Details are subject to change, please verify with event organizers/venues. Some might require registration or have limited availability.
If you have an upcoming Easthampton event, please email us or use the event form on our website: [www.EasthamptonOracle.com](http://www.EasthamptonOracle.com)
The Easthampton Oracle is a free community resource powered by volunteers, optimism, and coffee. If you’ve found it useful, please consider making a donation. [www.easthamptonoracle.com/about](http://www.easthamptonoracle.com/about)
Venmo: EasthamptonOracle
Thanks for your support!
Hoi, heb gisteren lopen sleutelen aan me scooter en ik wilde de wiel monteren alleen na dit gedaan te hebben kwam ik erachter dat de wiel niet meer vooruit kwam en het geblokkeerd werd door iets.
Daarna heb ik het wiel weer gedemonteerd om te kijken waar het probleem zat en kwam ik er snel achter dat een schroef uitstak en daardoor tegen de remklauw aan kwam. En daardoor dus niet meer vooruit kwam.
Kan iemand mij helpen hoe kan ik het rechter deel van de schroef weer terug naar links draaien? Beide kanten kan ik er geen schroevendraaier in douwen. Heb het geprobeerd met een tang maar daar zit ie te vast voor. Is er een manier om dit te doen?
So, I have problems to open a server using my PC, I already have the server running in the lan with all mods and I have all the FastDL ready using Xampp and Ngrok, but I stuck in how I set the port forwarding for my No More Room in Hell.
This is my Port Forwarding, but I don't know how use it and the tutorial I watch don't show me what to do.